It doesn't take a three year old to tell that the underlying message of the animation is perception- do not judge a book by it's cover. It makes use of the society's common perception of the harmful and the helpless, and swap the personal prototypes around for a twist near the end of the clip. Harm, in this animation, is personified as weapon-wielding, armour-cladding, gargantuan aliens with a looming thunderstorm wherever they go. Helplessness, on the other hand, is characterized by a handful of small yellow balls of fluff, bearing uncanny resemblances with our Earth-bound chicks. These characteristic choices are meticulously created based on the degree of shared perception (convergence) that Man established through communication. Somehow, Man has came to a general consensus that angry creatures with bulging muscles and thunderstorms are threatening; while chicks are, other than being too adorable, basically helpless.
The video utilizes the various stimuli to draw our attention. The element of novelty is apparent in the setting of the video- a bar on an alien planet. Familiar movie characters, such as "Star Wars" and "Aliens", are also deployed all over the scene doing things that we do not catch them doing on screen. If these are not enough, they have included a female alien vocalist, who looks like a hippopotamus, with three boobs! (Again, that may be a male alien. But we Earthlings have already developed a personal prototype that characters with boobs are females- based on our very own Earthling experiences.) The "frequent" stimulus is seen when the main character (the loser alien) repeatedly gets kicked out of the bar for interrupting the song due to his clumsiness. This repetitive slapstick humor drives us to try to predict when is the next time he is going to do something stupid again. Furthermore, a critical message is delivered by a Jar Jar Bings look-alike alien. The "intensity" stimulus here, plays with the fame of the creature to allow us to devote our attention to what it says.
Finally, the twist develops slowly as follows. Someone finally manages to warn the bar that the "Chubb Chubbs are coming!" The entire bar flushes out of the bar, leaving the main character and the handful of innocent looking chicks at the mercy of the wrath of the "Chubb Chubbs". As the main character places the chicks into his bucket in an attempt to save them, the "Chubb Chubbs" with the thunderous storm cloud close in. At this point, audience will probably wonder why in the world will people name such monstrosity a "Chubb Chubb"? Well, they are in for a twist. When the innocent looking "chicks" found themselves exposed to the threatening horde that stood in front of them, they went berserk, revealing their rows of razor sharp teeth and pounced on the giants, tearing them up literally within seconds. Now, does the name "Chubb Chubbs" make sense when we realize that they really are chubby little angry fur balls?
So, the next time you see a chick, think twice, before you pick it up and play with it. For guys, yes, the pun applies. ;)